Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocab. # 8

1) Malignant: harmful
2) Ornery: irritable/ cranky
3) Indolent: lazy
4) Belittle: to insult or put down
5) Jeopardize: to put in danger
6) Demise: downfall or death
7) Awry: not according to plan
8) Frugal: cheap

1) Acid is a very malignant substance.
2) My ornery cousin would not let us touch his new I pad.
3) He was to indolent to take out the trash.
4) We had to belittle our backpacks when we toke the test.
5) When someone is driving drunk they jeopardize their life.
6) Playing with fire can sometimes  lead you to demise.
7) I had to sleep early so that I can wake up in the morning but instead I was watching tv. that was awry
8) That pen is frugal in doesn't paint.

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